June 6, 2025

During World Pride 2025!!





The action is very simple.

  1. Find a federal building

  2. Occupy the bathroom of your choice

  3. Stay as long as possible

*no shitting actually required. This is a classic sit in designed to bring attention to an issue by creating a visual representation / protest and inconveniencing those in power as part of our demand for change.

This is a call for direct action on June 6, 2025 in support of trans rights and dignity.

The Shit In Movement is a one-time moment of action that combines tactics of a “march on Washington,” a sit in, and the Occupy Movement.

By blocking access to bathrooms in federal buildings, just as this administration has done to us, we raise awareness of the indignity of our being denied access to essential facilities that should be open to all people.

While our goal is to have mass presence in Washington, D.C., this action can be taken anywhere — find a federal building near you.

As with any direct action, there are risks that participants should consider. Please see the “Safety” page for more detail.

The Shit In Movement has no leaders. The Shit In Movement is of and by the People.

Do not allow the movement to be corrupted by $$$, ego, or power.

Beware rabble rousers and instigators. Beware of grifters.

We must learn from our civil rights ancestors. Study their tactics and make informed choices. Respect each other. Protect each other.

We love you.

A Trans National Moment of Action

I'm Pia, a stylist and creative based between New York and London. Before fashion, I was a journalist. After fashion, I'll be an icon.

I've been a resident of the fashion world for 12 years and counting. I've created, critiqued, consulted, styled, forecasted, and directed.